Today was exciting and tiring...we slept in again, waking up late meant we cab'd it to soho to check out the scene there. It was by far the best shopping so far. It was packed with retro vintage stores, cafe's and record stores...and the streets weren't packed with people. We spent most of the day bouncing from shop to shop, recharging with energy drinks or coffee at cafe's regularily. At one point while in soho we found ourselves in the seedy red light sex district....massage parlours, peep shows, strip joints and sex stores were everywhere. It was like a dingy back alley with neon lights advertising the debauchery that was at your disposal. It wasn't a big district and we quickly found ourselves in china town...which consisted of mostly souvenir stores and resteraunts that have food hanging behind the windows. It was colder today han yesterday and we had to make a stop so Shannon could buy a touque and an extra pair of socks. After killing a few hours just walking in and out of stores we decided to catch a cab to buckingham palace and the houses of parliament...
This area was the most stunning part of our trip so far. Giant grey gothic churches, buckingham palace, big Ben and the london eye were some of the most amazing buildings I have ever seen.
Today was the most enjoyable day in London so far. Oxford street was too busy to enjoy. I could spend another day in soho if we had more time. Tonight we go for supper and try to get to bed earlier than last night...tomorrow is our last day in london and we are going to Camden and high gate cemetery....

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