I have just been googling images of Camden and checking out what stores are there. What I found has got me frenzied with anticipation! It four or five major sections...all of which are filled with vintage clothes stores, record shops, punk and gothic clothing stores.....and on top of that at least four or five tattoo palours and piercing shops. The pictures show leather clad youth with 12" mohawks dyed every imaginable color. It certainly has its own style there and should be an interesting experiance. Here are a few pics I pulled off of google just to give you an idea of what I'm getting into here
Tomorrow's blogs will be the best yet! 

1: Camden
2: High Gate Cemetery
3: back to Camden

Stay tuned for what will be the most exciting day yet.

1/16/2013 11:05:57 am

Sounds like a lot of fun.Can't wait. I'm loving this blog. Lmao.

1/19/2013 12:44:55 am

This great Ryan. Sounds like you guys r having a blast. Look forward to more


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